Advance Lifestyles has a dedicated focus on offering high quality products and exceptional guidance, helping customers to obtain and maintain the ideal health level and wellbeing. Our range of products provide oral hygiene benefits and promote relaxation. Whether you’re willing to acquire products specially designed for removing bad breath or you want to restore balance to your body, at Advance Lifestyles you will find the health solution which is right for you. Not only that we made a research to find out the best products for our clients, but we also managed to meet our clients needs through our services.
When it comes to oral hygiene, our team based in Singapore have found key products in our fight against the harmful bacteria causing bad breath and other worse afflictions. The SoFresh Tongue Cleaner is one of the most practical products that help reduce bad breath. Its concave head has a scraping edge, perfect for cleaning the odor-causing bacteria. For those who require an impeccable flossing experience, the SoFresh Flossing Toothbrush is the suitable choice. It’s a soft bristles brush, that will remove soft plaque deposits, being made out of “Poly Buthyl Teleputalate”. This specially selected exclusive material is known to be softer and more elastic than the regular nylon or plastic used for bristles.